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Climate Neutral Cardano: Stake pool operators helping achieve a net climate positive impact for Cardano

Sustainable ADA   |   Feb 23, 2023

What is Climate Neutral Cardano?

The CNC Alliance (Climate Neutral Cardano Alliance) is a group of stake pool operators working together to achieve a net climate positive impact for the entire Cardano blockchain. The group of stake pools are committed to run their operations on 100% renewable energy and donate a portion of their income to environmental charities.

Vision and Mission of CNC

The vision of the CNC Alliance is to make the Cardano blockchain climate neutral or positive through the support of environmental projects to offset the energy use of the Cardano blockchain, and the use of renewable energy to minimize the amount of energy the network nodes consume. 

Its mission is to bring together stake pool operators (SPOs) who share this vision and work together to achieve it through the creation and support of initiatives such as the CNC Ala ISPO, which aims to fund the reforestation and agroecology efforts of the Tetikasa Ala NGO in Madagascar. CNC tries to convince as many Cardano pools as possible to convert to use 100% renewable energy.

The CNC Alliance also seeks to engage and educate the Cardano community about the importance of addressing climate change and the role that blockchain technology can play in creating a more sustainable future.

CNC Alliance Role 

The CNC Alliance is a group of stake pool operators that are committed to creating a net climate positive impact for the entire Cardano blockchain. The group was started and is maintained by a group of individuals who are passionate about using blockchain technology to create awareness and fund projects that have a positive impact on our future. 

The CNC Alliance believes that Cardano has the potential to be a powerful driver of change for the environment and people if it becomes climate neutral or positive. The CNC Alliance team is made up of volunteers who are dedicating their time and resources to this cause because they believe it is important to take action on climate change and to use their skills and influence to make a positive difference in the world.

Why Create CNC

Each CNC Alliance member has their own unique background and story about what brought them to support the cause. 

The group was formed in early 2021 by a small group of stake pool operators who were interested in finding ways to reduce the carbon footprint of the Cardano blockchain and to fund projects that would have a positive impact on the environment. The CNC Alliance’s first project was the Cardano Forest, in which they raised funds to plant one million trees in Kenya and track their progress on the blockchain in collaboration with Veritree & the Cardano Foundation.

The group has since grown to include additional stake pool operators and other members of the Cardano community who share their vision and values. 


Currently, the alliance is working on a new project called CNC Ala, which aims to re-green and regenerate forests & soils in Madagascar. 

The CNC Alliance is driven by their conviction that the Cardano blockchain can be a force for positive change and have the desire to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change.

Who CNC wants to work with?

“The CNC is always open to working with anyone in the Cardano ecosystem who shares our vision of using blockchain technology for positive social and environmental impact. We believe that collaboration and partnerships are key to achieving our goals and creating real change.

We believe that there is a great potential for collaboration with DEFI trading projects and NFT marketplaces within the Cardano ecosystem that share our values and are committed to offsetting their environmental footprint. 

We would love to open a dialogue and explore potential partnerships to support our efforts in reforestation and agroecology projects in Madagascar. Together, we can make a positive impact and drive positive social and environmental change through the power of blockchain technology.

The support of community members and developers is invaluable to the CNC and our mission, and we have an incentive program in place for those who would like to serve as ambassadors for our cause and help raise awareness about our initiatives and partnerships.” – Climate Neutral Cardano

Challenges Blockchain can help solve and CNC Ala

Charities and NGO’s often face challenges in terms of transparency and efficiency in fundraising and resource allocation. Traditional methods can involve a lot of bureaucracy and involve intermediaries that take a cut of donations, which can reduce the amount of funds that actually reach the intended beneficiaries.

The CNC alliance is using the Cardano blockchain and its features to overcome these traditional issues through the use of our ISPO (Initial Stake Pool Offering). 

The ISPO allows for transparent and efficient fundraising by directly connecting donors (stake pool operators) with the NGO recipient, Tetikasa Ala, through the use of Cardano’s novel features & technologies. The use of the blockchain also allows for the creation of a transparent record of donations and their allocation, ensuring accountability and trust in the distribution of funds. 

Additionally, the use of the ISPO allows for the creation of a community of donors and a decentralized decision-making process in the allocation of funds to future projects. 

The use of the blockchain ensures that donors can easily see where their funds are going and the impact they are having, while also allowing for the issuance of unique NFTs as a way to further engage and reward the community. Use of crypto allows donors from any location in the world to donate directly to the NGO wallet in the most efficient and low cost method possible.

Overall, the CNC Alliance is using the capabilities of the Cardano blockchain to address traditional challenges faced by charities and provide a new and innovative approach to fundraising for environmental causes.

Why Cardano?

The Cardano blockchain was chosen by CNC for a few reasons. One reason is that it is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain, meaning that it is more energy efficient than proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains like Bitcoin. This aligns with the environmental goals of the CNC alliance. 

Additionally, the Cardano blockchain has a strong focus on security and formal verification, which makes it a reliable choice for managing funds and tracking the impact of charitable projects. 

The CNC alliance also values the strong community and governance model of the Cardano blockchain, which allows for transparency and collaboration in the decision-making process.

Challenges that CNC’s solution helps solve?

As a community-driven organization, the CNC faces several key challenges in the landscape of environmental conservation and sustainable development. 

One major challenge is the perception of blockchain and cryptocurrency in the traditional NGO and development sector. Many organizations and individuals may not fully understand the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency to drive positive social and environmental impact, and may be hesitant to engage with our project as a result.

Another challenge is the current political and economic context, particularly in regards to government regulations and policies surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrency. These regulations and policies can be difficult to navigate and may limit our ability to raise funds and achieve our goals.

Despite these challenges, the CNC sees their work as more important than ever in the context of climate change and the need for sustainable development. 

“By leveraging the unique benefits of blockchain and cryptocurrency, such as transparency, immutability, and decentralization, we are able to create a new fundraising model that allows us to support NGOs and organizations working towards positive impact in a more efficient and effective way. We believe that by working together as a community, we can overcome these challenges and drive real change towards a more sustainable future.” – Climate Neutral Cardano

Connection to the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The CNC alliance is focused on using the Cardano blockchain to support and promote projects that have a positive impact on the environment and contribute towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The CNC’s current project, the CNC Ala ISPO, aims to support the regeneration of ecosystems in Madagascar and combat deforestation, which aligns with SDG 15: Life on Land

The project also aims to support local agroecology and food security in Madagascar, which aligns with SDG 2: Zero Hunger. The CNC alliance believes that the transparency, immutability, and decentralization offered by the Cardano blockchain make it a suitable platform for supporting and promoting projects that contribute towards achieving the SDGs.

Other initiatives connected to the SDGs

The CNC Alliance is currently focused on the successful completion of the ISPO for the Tetikasa Ala project in Madagascar. 

However, we are always looking for new opportunities to make a positive impact on the environment and communities around the world. We are open to considering a variety of projects and initiatives that align with our mission and values, including those that connect to the SDGs and have the potential for positive social and environmental impact. 

We encourage members of the community to reach out to us with ideas and suggestions for future projects, and we look forward to collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations to make a positive difference in the world.

We will also be looking for ways to involve the Cardano community in these decision-making processes and encourage participation in the projects we choose to support.

News to Share

Currently the CNC Ala ISPO is live and ongoing! 

CNC invites the Cardano community to participate in the ISPO by staking with CNC ISPO pools to help them support Tetikasa Ala, a non-profit organization located in Madagascar with the objective of creating an ecosystem of actors in sustainable development to fight against the deforestation of Madagascar. 

By staking with CNC ISPO pools, delegators not only empower the pools to produce more blocks and increase donations, but they will also accumulate the CNC Ala token, which will qualify staking wallets for NFT redemptions from Cardano Proxies, Yummi Universe, Earth Natives and M₳D₳’s Lemur. 

The ISPO will last for 6 months from the officially announced start date (epoch 377), with milestone reports and milestone FT’s released every month to log progress on the blockchain. 

“We have determined that running the ISPO for 6 months could potentially allow us to raise 100,000 ₳ which will fund Tetikasa Ala for Phase 1 of the project and plant a great many variety of fruit, vegetable, and shade plants or at least get us very close. 

We encourage everyone to learn more about the ISPO and how to get involved on our website.” – Climate Neutral Cardano

How to get involved?

The best way for Sustainable ADA readers can get involved with the CNC Ala project is by staking with CNC ISPO pools and participating in the ISPO.

You can also get involved by spreading the word about the CNC and its projects, such as the CNC Ala ISPO, to their networks and communities. This can help increase awareness and support for the CNC and its efforts to drive positive environmental change.

There are many ways to get involved in the CNC alliance and support the ISPO even if you are unable to stake:

1. Join the CNC Discord community and contribute your ideas, skills, and resources to help with the ISPO and other CNC projects.

2. Spread the word about the ISPO and the CNC alliance to your friends and networks. Share updates and news about the project on social media and other online platforms.

3. Donate directly to the Tetikasa Ala NGO, who are the beneficiaries of the ISPO project. Every little bit helps, and your donations will go towards supporting their work in regenerating ecosystems and supporting local communities in Madagascar.

4. Participate in NFT drops and auctions related to the ISPO. Many artists and creators in the Cardano community have created unique NFTs to support the project, and by participating in these events, you can not only get your hands on some amazing art, but also support the CNC alliance and the ISPO.

Importance of Community Involvement 

One thing that we would like to highlight is the importance of community involvement in our projects. We believe that it is crucial for the success of our initiatives to have the support and participation of the broader community, whether that be through staking and supporting our ISPO pools, providing skills and resources, or simply spreading the word about our efforts. 

We encourage anyone who is interested in making a positive impact on the world to reach out to us and get involved in whatever way they can. Additionally, we are always looking for new partners and NGOs to work with on future projects, and welcome any suggestions or introductions to organizations that align with our mission of driving positive social and environmental change through the use of blockchain technology.

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